Friday, 18 November 2011

Homework - water music

This week the homework is a little different and even more open ended.

As part of our water topic we have been composing water themed music at school. The homework is also water themed music.

This could be:

  • finding out about music already composed that has a water theme - modern music, classical music (youtube has many pieces of music on it) - writing down the name of the piece of music, who composed it and when, perhaps describing what the music is like, what instruments are used, how it sounds like water, whether you like it etc.

  • composing your own piece of music - either using instruments and recording it (these can be traditional instruments e.g. piano or other ways of making sounds e.g. plastic bags rustling, tapping glasses with water in etc. - or using a piece of software like Garage Band or to compose a piece of electronic music

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