Monday, 17 October 2011

Class survey

If you are in Grebes class, please click here and complete the survey.

Maths survey

If you are in Grebes class, please click here and complete the survey.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Homework winners

Each week the children earn points for the quality (not necessarily quantity!) of their homework - from 1 point to 10 points. The best homework of the week is awarded 10 points and gets to look after the homework trophy for a week. The weekly points will also be added together half-termly for prizes.

The children are making it very difficult for me chose the winner as there are so many fantastic pieces of homework each week.

The winners so far are:

Sequences homework: Jessica
Fractions homework: Poppy
Rivers homework: Taylor

There are others who have been so close - keep up the hard work and hopefully they'll soon be a winner.

Length homework

Ideas (remember you don't have to do all of these, they are just some ideas to get you started, so pick the ones that you find most interesting):

  • Measure some things, e.g. around the house, yourself!
  • Compare measurements, e.g. the heights of the people in your family
  • When in everyday life do we measure things?
  • What measuring equipment is there? How do you use it? Does it measure some things better than others?
  • What are the different units of measure? e.g. metres
  • What is the conversion between units of measure? e.g. 100cm = 1m
  • Practise converting measures, e.g. 234cm = 2m 34cm or 2.34m
  • Find out about imperial units of measure, e.g. inches
  • Survey your family to find out which units of measure they prefer to use, e.g. inches or cm
  • Find out about how things were measured in the past, e.g. how did the Ancient Egyptians measure things?

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Rivers homework


  • Find out about the longest rivers in the world (or any other size river!)
  • Which countries do they flow through?
  • How long are they?
  • Which continents are they in?
  • Which oceans/seas do they flow into?
  • What is the landscape around them like?
  • Are there any indigenous people that live on or near the river?
  • Do they flow North, South, East or West?
  • Are there any famous bridges over them? Or other landmarks?
  • Do they flow through a famous city?
  • Do they flow through any important lakes?
  • Where is the source?
  • Where is the mouth?
  • Does the flow change at different times of the year? Why?
  • Is the river a tourist attraction?